
Virginia O.

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Latest activity by Virginia O.
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    Virginia O. created an article,

    TapXR Versus Tap 2?

    While the TapXR and Tap 2 both have the same typing capabilities, the TapXR has a vastly improved form factor, which also makes it more sleek and sturdy. The accuracy has also be improved, especial...

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    Virginia O. created an article,

    My Tap Strap Has A Long Haptic Vibration When I Turn it on.

    If your Tap Strap suddenly stops working and has a long haptic vibration when you power it on (7-10 seconds), you may need a warranty replacement. Please email support@tapwithus.com to confirm your...

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    Virginia O. created an article,

    Will the Tap Strap Still Be Supported Now That the TapXR is Here?

    We will of course always provide customers support and critical updates for the Tap Strap. For a list of recent updates, please visit our Changelog. 

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    Virginia O. created an article,

    My TapXR Update Failed, What Do I Do?

    If your TapXR update fails, do not panic! Please try again using the steps below.   For Android user: 1. Unpair, if possible, any unconnected devices (headsets, speakers, etc). You can re-pair them...

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    Virginia O. created an article,

    My TapXR Has A Long Buzz When I Turn It On

    If you are experiencing a long vibration (7-10 seconds) followed by short buzzes when powering your Tap on, your device's firmware installation may have been interrupted.   To resolve this problem,...

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    Virginia O. created an article,

    Using Standby Mode on Tap 2 to Pause Tapping

    The Tap 2 has a unique feature called Standby Mode. This feature allows you to pause input using a tap command while keeping the Tap on and paired to the device.   To enable Standby mode, first loc...

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    Virginia O. created an article,

    Does the TapXR Have an AirMouse?

    TapXR has an airmouse feature available via firmware download from TapManager (FW 3.1.1 and above). This is a BETA feature that will be improved with time. Learn how to update your firmware here.  ...

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    Virginia O. created an article,

    How to Update Your TapXR Using TapManager

    Your TapXR will prompt you to update in 2 ways; During initial setup (if there is a new firmware version) Under the SETTINGS screen in TapManager  To update, ensure you are on a stable internet c...

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    Virginia O. created an article,

    How to Pair Your TapXR to Your Device/Pairing Your TapXR

    We strongly recommend installing the TapManager app to pair your TapXR for the best user experience. It contains brief, important tutorials, critical software updates that improve product function,...

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    Virginia O. created an article,

    What Does TapXR’s Haptic (Vibration) Feedback Mean?

    Your TapXR has haptic (vibration) feedback to provide you with more information. On Startup: Your Tap will vibrate 1-3 times when powering on. The number of vibrations indicates the battery level....