Usually poor tapping accuracy is due to fit problems. Here's how to help:
1. Make sure that the Tap is being worn properly. If your Tap is too loose or if the rings are not centered and at the top of your fingers, the accuracy will be affected. Here is a video which demonstrates how to wear your Tap:
2. Make sure that your Tap is set for the correct hand. Open the TapManager App and go to settings. If you are tapping with your right hand, make sure that LEFT is OFF. If you are tapping with your left hand, make sure that LEFT is ON.
3. Your tapping accuracy can sometimes be affected by how you tap. Here is a video which demonstrates some tips to improve your tapping.
4. If you are a beginner tapper, try tapping with your dominant hand on a hard and flat surface. Remember to keep your fingers and hand relaxed. Start by tapping slowly - you will get much faster with some practice.
5. Try playing the game TapLoops, which is great way to master the motions of tapping without having to remember the alphabet.
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